Atieh Asadollah
Islamic azad university of medical science, Iran
Title: The role of barberry (Berberis) in miscarriage and RPL
Biography: Atieh Asadollah
Several species of Berberis (A.K.A Barberry) are traditionally used as appetizer, emollient, antihypertensive, and coagulant agents. It is known by the name of Zereshk in the persian language, and it has a big place in persian alimentation. Avicenna, The great persian scientist, believed that the root and fruit of this plant has serious effects on miscarriage and human pregnancy loss. This research, Inspired from Avicenna’s theory, investigated the stimulating effect of Barberry’s extract and Berberine alkaloid, on rat uterus contraction, and it’s possible role in miscarriage and RPL. The uterus was induced by Acetylcholine (ACh), KCl, and Oxytocin. Barberry’s extract stimulates the uterine contraction induced by ACh, KCl, and Oxytocin but Berberine had inhibitory effects on rat uterus smooth muscle induced by KCl.
Berberine is one of the main alkaloids in Barberry. Our studies showed that berberine acted as an inhibitor to induce relaxation, Whereas the Barberry’s extract mostly caused contractions. The relaxing effects of Berberine might be as the result of Ca2+ channel blocking as it inhibited the response to KCl, but other alkaloids contained in Barberry’s extract, are believed to be responsible for ACh, KCl, Oxytocin induced stimulation through mechanisms other than voltage operated Ca2+ channels. Therefore, the general belief is that Barberry is potential to increase the risk of miscarriage and overusing it during pregnancy may cause abortion or pretime labor. Identification of the main stimulating alkaloid components is recommended for future studies